Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bike Racing

 Jake contemplated signing up for the San Diego Rock and Roll half marathon and on his training days, he groaned about having to run but on the cross-training days, he loved riding his mountain bike so I suggested skipping a half marathon where all you do is run and finding a bike race instead. He found a race called Over the Hump in Castaic, an 8 race series that takes place all summer. They started at the end of May and raced 4 Thursdays in a row, now they're taking a 6 week break and start again July 25 for 4 more Thursdays. Tom loves to go and watch because they have a great park there with lots of other kids to run around with.  Despite some bumps in the road (Jake's bike stopped working 30 minutes before the first race and he was forced to use a loaner bike from one of the vendors, then ordering a new bike through our friend, Fadi, which was then backordered and changing his order only to have that backordered as well) Jake's been doing very well, coming in 8th in his class, then 7th for the last three races. He's currently 3rd in standings for his class. Donald and Bryan have also done well in their classes. Donald came in 2nd place in his class for the first race and Bryan came in 12th.

 Sara wins with Tom taking second and Kaia in third!!
 Apparently, shaking a bunch of colored flags really entertains almost 3 year olds.

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The youngest of four girls, all grown up now, married with two boys of my own. All I do (sewing, cooking, crafting, DIYing) was taught to me by my mother, Alice.