Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New baby!

We discovered on Halloween morning that we're expecting our first baby! The due date is July 16th of next year. I've had really bad nausea for the last couple of weeks, living on Saltines and 7Up and it's just now starting to alleviate. While I haven't been feeling well, Jake has been taking care of me, the house and the cooking, God bless him!
Our families are very excited. This will be the third grandchild for my parents and the first for Jake's parents. We've been married over 4 years,

I think they were starting to get antsy.
Charlie, Natalie, Bethany, Bekah and even Gabie are so excited about the new baby and call it "Baby Snow White" and if it's a boy "Baby Prince Eric". But they're very sure it'll be a girl...we'll have to wait and see. We do plan on finding out the gender when we can and we will fill everyone in then, but we've decided to keep the name we pick a surprise, so don't even ask!
We will be posting more as we have doctor's appointments and other developments so be sure to check back for updates!


  1. I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to meet the new little one! Jenny Ito (Sullivan)

  2. So excited for you of course! I think finding out the gender, but keeping the name a secret is the way to go. That's what we do too. -Rhiannon



About Me

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The youngest of four girls, all grown up now, married with two boys of my own. All I do (sewing, cooking, crafting, DIYing) was taught to me by my mother, Alice.