Monday, August 13, 2012

Cardboard Boat Race

 The highlight of Refugio this year was the cardboard boat race. Competitors were allowed to use ONLY cardboard and duct tape to create a racing boat. Some (ahem, Dad) thought they could get away with wrapping cardboard around an inflatable raft and calling it a day. =) All the boats looked great getting in the water and everyone had a great time. In the end, Jake won with the Silver Bullet, second place went to Kevin rowing for Team Sullivan and third went to Herm rowing Shark Tooth. Jace came in first for the kids piloting the boat for Team Jensen-Ugalde-Turner.
To see a video of the race, click here.
Afterward, the ladies took the boats out again to race. Sarah won first place, Molly won second and Marcia won for the grandma category. See that race here.
 Brian showing family support

 Team Robinson's boat- SS Shark Tooth

 Team Brian and Jean-The Black Pearl (Aaargg)
 The Cardboard Boat Commisioner

 The Silver Bullet

Team Turner's Cheater boat (Note: The commissioner was well aware of the 
inflatable raft inside and decided to allow Team Turner to compete, however, they were not allowed to place.)
 Team Sullivan, already cheating (Behind the line is behind the line!)

 The competitors and their boats!

 Even though his boat fell apart, Jim still waved the American flag!

After the race, all the kids took the boats out for funsies
 Naomi and Wes with their trophies for the sand castle contest

 The awards banquet

 Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

 Last Place: A roll of duct tape
 Tom Tom dancing it up!

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About Me

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The youngest of four girls, all grown up now, married with two boys of my own. All I do (sewing, cooking, crafting, DIYing) was taught to me by my mother, Alice.