Wednesday, February 23, 2011

House full of sickies

Last week, Daddy wasn't feeling well. He had a fever, then sore throat, then cough and now congestion. I guess it was a one-symptom-at-a-time cold. Then Tom was sick, congested and dribbly nose. Then I got sick, fever of 102.8, chills and aches and Jake stayed home from work to take care of both of us. Now Tom is back to being sick. He woke up yesterday with a 101.8 fever and was wheezing. Daddy and Mommy both took him to the doctor. After an assessment from the doctor, a breathing treatment and a few x-rays, Dr. Colby said he has a bronchial infection. We have to administer breathing treatments here at home with a nebulizer (sp?) every 6 hours or so. He is contagious so we have to keep our friends out for the week until Dr. Colby can do a follow-up appointment next week. The wheezing is already a little bit better, and hopefully the albuterol with help clear everything out. Other than that, we're fine. How are you?

Here's Tom getting his breathing treatments at home with Mommy and Daddy.

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About Me

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The youngest of four girls, all grown up now, married with two boys of my own. All I do (sewing, cooking, crafting, DIYing) was taught to me by my mother, Alice.