Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baby Showers

There's a whole new crop of babies getting ready to be born so Tom and I have been going to lots of baby showers. Doesn't he look dapper?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

House full of sickies

Last week, Daddy wasn't feeling well. He had a fever, then sore throat, then cough and now congestion. I guess it was a one-symptom-at-a-time cold. Then Tom was sick, congested and dribbly nose. Then I got sick, fever of 102.8, chills and aches and Jake stayed home from work to take care of both of us. Now Tom is back to being sick. He woke up yesterday with a 101.8 fever and was wheezing. Daddy and Mommy both took him to the doctor. After an assessment from the doctor, a breathing treatment and a few x-rays, Dr. Colby said he has a bronchial infection. We have to administer breathing treatments here at home with a nebulizer (sp?) every 6 hours or so. He is contagious so we have to keep our friends out for the week until Dr. Colby can do a follow-up appointment next week. The wheezing is already a little bit better, and hopefully the albuterol with help clear everything out. Other than that, we're fine. How are you?

Here's Tom getting his breathing treatments at home with Mommy and Daddy.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Standing Man

Today Tom pulled himself up to standing. He did it a couple of times, then he fell asleep in his high chair after lunch, too tired to keep playing.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Meeting Auntie Missa

Jake's Aunt Melissa was in San Diego from the east coast so we went down so Tom could meet her. Saturday night, Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Melissa watched Tom while Uncle Steve, Daddy, Mommy and a few other friends went to Dave and Buster's. We had a really fun weekend!

Minor Accident

On our way to the library to return our books, Tom and I were in a small car accident. I was driving in the right turn lane, getting ready to turn, we had the green arrow. The lane to my left was stopped, they had a red light. A woman in a suburban decided she wanted to turn right too and didn't look before coming into my lane. She hit just before the driver's side door, knocked off the side mirror and scratched down to the passenger door. No injuries and minor damage to both cars, both were drivable. We both pulled into the gas station on the corner and I got out to check on Tom who smiled back at me. The woman kept saying how sorry she was and that she had her son in her car as well. Then she just stopped and stared at her car and muttered, "That's my husband's brand new Suburban." Sucks for you. I think she'll be checking her mirrors from now on.

Kiss Kiss

Tom's been giving us kisses. Very sweet!

Doorway Jumper


About Me

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The youngest of four girls, all grown up now, married with two boys of my own. All I do (sewing, cooking, crafting, DIYing) was taught to me by my mother, Alice.