Tuesday, December 18, 2012

San Diego

 We spent Thanksgiving weekend in San Diego with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Steve and Great-Granddad who was visiting from Georgia. We went back a few weeks later for an early Christmas and cousin Steven joined us.

Christmas Portraits

 Our friend, Christine, agreed to take portraits for us for Christmas cards. They turned out fantastic!

Halloween 2012

We took Tom trick or treating for Halloween. Gram, Grandpa and Steven came up to go with us. Tom dressed as Calvin and carried his stuffed Hobbes along with him. It took a few houses before he caught onto what was happening and shouted, "Look, Mommy. Candy!!"

Anniversary #7

   For our seventh wedding anniversary, Jake and I left Tom-Tom at home with Grandma and Grandpa Chase and went to San Luis Obispo for the weekend. We had the most beautiful weather and stayed at Sycamore Mineral Springs Resort for the first night and Garden Street Inn the second night. We got hookups everywhere we went. We got free dessert and at the hotel bar our first night, the bartender informed us it was his last night, we were his last customers and would we like some free drinks? The answer was yes.
   The next night checking into the inn, the innkeeper informed us it was HIS last night and would we like a free upgrade to their suite? The answer was yes.
      We hiked Bishop's Peak, where we got engaged, went to our favorite winery, ate and had drinks at many of our old favorite places. It was a very relaxing and fun weekend.


About Me

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The youngest of four girls, all grown up now, married with two boys of my own. All I do (sewing, cooking, crafting, DIYing) was taught to me by my mother, Alice.