Monday, March 28, 2011

New (to Tom) toys

Gram gave us a bunch of toys from her house. This apple used to be mine and Molly, Katie, and Sarah's. Steven even used it when he was little. Now it's Tom's turn. He loves the way it jingles when he shakes it.

Finger foods

Tom loves eating with his fingers. So far he loves cheerios, bananas, carrots, green beans, scrambled egg, soft breads and his favorite, black beans! His least favorite: peas.

First tooth

Tom's first tooth finally popped through. It's hard to see here but it's his bottom left tooth.

Duckie Armada!

If there's anything we DON'T need, it's more duckies. When Gram gave us all the baby toys from her house, we kept finding more and more duckies in the boxes. Gram insisted we put them all in the bath with Tom. He loved it!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Getting our hair did

Tom and I went to go visit Stephanie to get our hair cut! Tom went first. Don't let the pictures fool you, he didn't really like it all that much. She just cleaned up the top, back and around his ears. Then he and Daddy played and went for a walk while Stephanie made Mommy a fox! Thanks, Stephanie!!

Doctor Follow up

Tom had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Colby to make sure he was doing well. He just can't lay off the paper they lay out. After the bronchial infection, she found a small ear infection in his right ear, so he was put on antibiotics to clear that up. Day 10 of his amoxicillin brought on some hives. We found out that Grandpa and Great-Grandpa Chase both have slight allergies to penicillin so next time we'll try another antibiotic. Now, Dr. Colby said he's completely healed of his ear infection. He's 18 pounds, 9 ounces. We also had to buy him some new socks. He was wearing 6-12 months and his giant hobbit feet were too big. He's now wearing 12-24 month socks! Big boy!

backyard play

Now that the weather is so nice, we can hang out outside after all the kids leave. At first, Tom wouldn't crawl at all in the grass, but he's gotten used to it. Plus, he's always looking for something to put in his mouth, leaves, sticks, grass, etc.

Mommy's Garden

After a lot of weeding, cultivating and composting, I got a start on our back garden. Anemones, Lavender, Freesia, Gladiolus, Daffodils, sunflowers, Ranunculus, daisies, and sweet peas. More pictures when everything is blooming.


Kim and Rich gave us this swing and Jake hung it from the backyard pergola. Tom loves to swing!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Tom became aware of his tongue. This is his new
favorite trick. He cracks us up!


About Me

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The youngest of four girls, all grown up now, married with two boys of my own. All I do (sewing, cooking, crafting, DIYing) was taught to me by my mother, Alice.