Monday, September 27, 2010


We are redoing the master bathroom! Jake has retiled the floor, we both painted, we replaced the backwards doorknob (seriously, the lock was on the outside) and we have a new faucet to install. What started as a three day weekend project on labor day weekend is still not finished! There was much more involved than either one of us had anticipated but it'll be finished soon and we'll post pictures when it's done. Until then, our toilet has been on our back lawn, showing the world just how redneck the Chases are. We also had Steven stay with us for labor day weekend and again this last weekend. Guess who decided it was too hot to sleep indoors so instead he slept in the hammock?

Stone Brewery

Jake had to go to San Diego on business and decided to make it a family vacation and visit Grandma and Grandpa Chase and Uncle Steve. We all wanted to go to the Stone Brewery and have dinner and take the brewery tour. Tom looks like he's already had a few.

Fleet Week

Grandpa Chase was working a booth at Fleet Week so Grandpa, Grandma, Jake, Tom and I all went to go check it out.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Here's Tom at his 2 month wellness appointment. It just happened to be on Jake's birthday. The nurse weighed him and he was smiling, cooing at her and having a great time. He has no idea what's coming!

Everything looks good.

Good strong boy!

Onto the shots...Oh, that smarts!

No, wait, THAT HURTS A LOT!!!

Finally calm, poor Tom Tom! Needless to say, we spent Jake's birthday at home. Happy birthday, Daddy!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tom is two months!!

Here are some of Tom's latest pictures. His new mobile from Gram and his two month birthday.


About Me

My photo
The youngest of four girls, all grown up now, married with two boys of my own. All I do (sewing, cooking, crafting, DIYing) was taught to me by my mother, Alice.