Thursday, May 24, 2012

Belly Laughs

I was making Tom laugh so hard, Jake ran to get the camera and record it. When he noticed the camera, he said, "Cheese!" and tooted! Then he said, "I tooted! Excuse me!!" and we went back to playing.

Mother's Day Dinner

 We had Chinese food at Gram and Grandpa's house for Mother's Day dinner. Also, check out my Mother's Day/Birthday gift. A new beach cruiser! Lucky me!!

Mother's Day at the Gardens

 We spent Mother's Day at the water conservation garden in Santa Clarita. They have lots of native plants and trees as well as ideas and tips for home gardens. It was a beautiful day and everything was blooming beautifully!

Garden in bloom

 We have gladiolus and morning glory in bloom. By the end of summer, the pallets will probably be covered. We love having our garden!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Doggie Reunion

 The Westside German Shepherd Rescue, where we got Panzer and where the Sanchez family got Heinz, was having a doggie reunion at a park in Pasadena.

Easter 2012

 Tom hunted eggs at our house too, He kept bending down to get one and dropping all of the ones in his basket.

Easter Egg Hunt

 The city of Santa Clarita put on an Easter Egg hunt. They broke it into age groups and turned the kids loose. Tom took his time and ended up with two eggs.

Spring Break 2012

 We had some visitors for spring break this year. Bethany came that whole week and we got to spend two days with Naomi who was visiting Gram and Grandpa. Everyone played and had a great time dying Easter eggs. We had Madi and Tobias over for an Easter craft courtesy of Miss Vanessa too. Lots of fun!


About Me

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The youngest of four girls, all grown up now, married with two boys of my own. All I do (sewing, cooking, crafting, DIYing) was taught to me by my mother, Alice.