Monday, November 28, 2011

Sky City Bounce House

Sky City Bounce House in Santa Clarita has open play on Fridays and discounts for the month of November so, while Bethany and Bekah celebrated their birthdays at Disneyland, we spent the day at Sky City Bounce. We also invited our friends Kenton and Clarissa and their mommy, Katrina, and Wyatt and his mommy, Christine, to come alone. Everybody had such a fun time! There were so many inflatable mazes and slides and bouncy houses for the kids to play in. Even the mommies had a good time, we probably could have let the kids go in by themselves, but that wouldn't have been nearly as fun. Jake was bummed he missed out. We will definitely have to go back soon. Sorry most of the pictures are so fuzzy, it's hard to get a clear one when everyone's bouncing.

Gabe promising not to bounce too hard and take care of Tom-Tom =)

Tom in a tunnel

Tom bouncing

Wyatt bouncing like a champ

Christine and Wyatt

Tom and Gabe

Tom and Clarissa


We were able to get all the girls together for Melanie's wedding in November. First off, the wedding was awesome! So many wonderful plays on traditions, great dancing and, of course, the best caterers ever: In-N-Out!!
It's not often we can get all of us in the same room together, we all have jobs, families, general busy-ness of life getting in the way. Over twenty five years of friendship here, we're seriously getting old! Love you, ladies!!!

Hanging with Bethany, Natalie and Charlie

Because they had the day before Thanksgiving off of school, we got to spend the day with three extra beauties, Bethany, Natalie and Charlie. Tom loved having extra ladies around. He just loves his girls! We were also able to get a group shot of all six of them. Look how big they've gotten!

Lombardi Ranch-Whoops, out of order

Before Halloween, we went to Lombardi Ranch with Gram and Grandpa to get our pumpkins. It was so crowded because it was the weekend before Halloween.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Mild mannered reporter...



Community Group Pumpkin Carving Contest!

Our community group got together to have a pumpkin carving contest! Wyatt and Tom weren't too interested in carving the pumpkins, they'd rather play.

The couples each had their own pumpkin (or pumpkins) to carve.

Tom, of course, spent some time in his cabinet.

But he still had lots of fun playing with his buddy, Wyatt.

Jordan working on his and Desiree's design.

Elaine, on her own for the night was designated the judge, until she decided to let Fadi do the judging by proxy; she sent him photos of each pumpkin and he decided on the winner.

Wyatt is a helper.

Desiree getting help from Wyatt.

Jake working on our pumpkins.

Nate and Christine, plotting together

The "K"'s, scooping pumpkin guts.

Our pumpkin snowman

The Keith's Cannibal pumpkin and puking mini-pumpkins

The "K"'s 1st place Happy Feet Pumpkin

The Short's Wind pumpkin, my favorite design of the night.
We had a lot of fun eating chili and pumpkin carving!

Beautiful morning in Canyon Country


Tom loves stacking things. His new favorite toys are my spices. He can stack them pretty high.

Tom's hideout

Just like that weirdo kid in A Christmas Story, Tom's favorite hideout is in a cabinet under the sink, where the dog food container is housed. Not sure what the appeal is but he loves it!


About Me

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The youngest of four girls, all grown up now, married with two boys of my own. All I do (sewing, cooking, crafting, DIYing) was taught to me by my mother, Alice.